Our Mission
21 Century online Home Schooling for American children
  • To deliver the most effective and efficient mix of curriculum, methodology, material and teachers to prepare children for the 21st century at an affordable price.

  • Strengthening education to increase American competitiveness and prepare our children to meet the challenges of the changing world.

  • A program to promote scientifically based research and promising practices to improve subject matter (math, science, etc.) understanding and comfort. This prepares students for more rigorous math and science courses in later grades.

  • Diagnose the deficiency of students who lack subject proficiency and provide intensive, scientifically based intervention to enable them to improve their understanding.

  • To do this we:
    • Create a virtual classroom of up to just eight students.

    • Employ teachers trained in teaching through self discovery.

    • Focus on the subject at hand and use a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract approach to teaching.

    • Teach through discovery, provocative questions, multiple solutions, model-drawing and positive use of errors, which help children model the world around them.
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